How Does it Work?

Decide the Type of Reading you Need

Tarot unleashed offers 3 types of readings:

  • Mini ( 15 min)
  • Detailed (30 min)
  • Advanced (45 min)
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Book Your Slot

  • Choose an available slot
  • Provide your contact and email information
  • Make the payment for the session at the time of scheduling
  • Receive the meeting link in your email after payment is made

Join Your Session

  • Use the link in the email to join your meeting
  • Come prepared with your questions
  • Be as specific as possible with your questions

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How can tarot cards help me with my relationships and love life?

You can delve into the nuances of your love life with love tarot readings, a spiritual tool for those seeking to enhance their understanding of romantic connections.

Love tarot cards act as mirrors, reflecting the unseen facets of relationships and guiding you towards deeper emotional insights.

Engage in a love tarot reading to explore the currents of your love life, allowing these ancient symbols to illuminate paths to growth and harmony.

Whether seeking answers or affirmation, love tarot readings provide a profound perspective on the journey of the heart.

When engaging with tarot cards to explore your love life, the questions you ask are crucial as they set the intention for the guidance you seek.

Here are some thoughtful questions that can be asked during love tarot readings:

Personal Growth and Readiness for Love
- How can I prepare myself for love?
- What barriers in my heart may be blocking love from entering my life?
- In what ways can I grow to become a better partner?

Understanding Current Relationships
- What can I do to deepen the connection in my current relationship?
- How can I better understand my partner's needs and desires?
- What is the current energy surrounding my love life?

Patterns and Lessons in Love
- What lessons do I need to learn from my past relationships?
- How can I break free from negative patterns that affect my love life?
- What does love tarot reveal about the evolution of my romantic experiences?

Future of Love and Relationships
- What can love tarot readings tell me about the future trajectory of my current relationship?
- How can I align my actions with my desires for my love life?
- What should I be open to in my love life going forward?

Seeking New Love
- Where should I focus my attention to find new love?
- What qualities should I look for in a future partner that are aligned with my deepest needs?

Challenges and Conflicts
- How can I approach resolving conflicts in my love life?
- What can love tarot readings show me about overcoming obstacles in my relationships?

Remember, tarot readings are not about predicting a set future but rather about gaining insights and perspectives that can help you make more informed choices in your love life.

The cards can offer a reflection of your current energy and potential outcomes, but they also remind you that you have the power to influence those outcomes with your actions and decisions.

How can tarot cards help me in my professional and career growth?

Tarot cards can serve as a unique tool for personal and professional development by offering insights and reflections that might not be immediately apparent. In the context of career and professional growth, tarot readings can help in several ways:

  • Clarifying Your Career Vision: Tarot can help you gain clarity on your career goals and aspirations. By reflecting on the imagery and symbolism of the cards, you may uncover new perspectives about what you truly want from your professional life.

  • Identifying Obstacles and Strengths: A tarot reading can highlight potential obstacles in your career path, as well as the strengths and resources you have to overcome them. This can empower you to tackle challenges with greater confidence.

  • Guiding Decision-Making: When faced with career decisions, tarot cards can serve as a guide, helping you to consider different aspects of the situation and potential outcomes. This doesn't mean the cards make decisions for you, but they can provide a different lens through which to view your choices.

  • Encouraging Self-Reflection: The process of a tarot reading encourages deep self-reflection. It can prompt you to think critically about various aspects of your work life, including job satisfaction, professional relationships, and personal growth opportunities.

  • Inspiring Action: Tarot readings can be motivational, suggesting actions you might take to advance your career. Whether it's pursuing further education, seeking out networking opportunities, or developing a particular skill, the cards can inspire proactive steps.
  • Enhancing Intuition: Regularly engaging with tarot can sharpen your intuition. This heightened sense of inner knowing can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of the workplace and making choices that align with your career objectives.

  • Providing Reassurance: Sometimes, you might seek reassurance that you're on the right path. Tarot readings can offer comfort and validation, affirming that your efforts will lead to professional growth and success.

It's important to remember that tarot cards are not a magic solution; they don't predict the future or guarantee outcomes. Instead, they are a means of introspection and guidance, helping you to connect with your inner wisdom and consider your professional life from new and insightful angles.

Here are some sample questions you might consider asking during a tarot reading to gain insights into your professional and career growth:

Understanding Your Career Path

  • What should I be focusing on right now to further my career?
  • What are the key lessons I need to learn from my current job?
  • How can I align my career with my life's purpose?

Making Decisions

  • What factors should I consider when thinking about a career change?
  • How can I choose between two job offers?
  • What should be my next step to progress in my current position?

Overcoming Challenges

  • What is the root cause of my dissatisfaction at work, and how can I address it?
  • How can I improve my relationship with a difficult coworker or manager?
  • What can I do to overcome the feeling of being stuck or plateaued in my career?

Enhancing Career Opportunities

  • What can I do to attract new opportunities in my field?
  • How can I best prepare for an upcoming job interview or important meeting?
  • What skills should I focus on developing to advance in my career?

Personal Development

  • Which of my personal strengths can I leverage to improve my professional life?
  • How can I better balance my work life with my personal life?
  • What should I focus on to grow as a leader in my field?

Navigating Transitions

  • What insights do the cards have about the direction of my career transition?
  • How can I ensure a smooth transition into a new role or industry?
  • What can I do to adapt to the changes in my professional landscape?

Remember, when asking questions in a tarot reading, it's helpful to keep them open-ended rather than yes/no questions.

This allows for a more nuanced reading that can provide you with deeper insights and actionable guidance.

Where are the tarot card readings done?

Tarot Unleashed sessions are held entirely online at your convenience and flexibility.
Video platforms like Google Meet and Zoom are used for our sessions
I recommend having a video call for the fullest and best experience, but an online audio call is also available.

Do you carry out in-person sessions?

No. Sessions are online via video or audio calls.

Do you carry out text readings?

No. Tarot guidance is a complex skill and exercise. The querent and the tarot card reader need to have some audio or video connection for the best experience and guidance.

Do I have to be of a certain age to get a tarot card reading done?

Yes, You should be 18 years of age or older.

Can you influence a third party for me?


Do you guarantee results?

Tarot readings are only for guidance purposes. They don't guarantee anything. Ultimately it's you who will have to put in the effort and work to achieve what you want. Tarot reading is a tool that shows you the way.

What is your refund policy?

Once the payment is made, there will be no refunds.

Can I reschedule my appointment?

Yes, if you have paid for a session in advance, you may reschedule your appointment by sending an email to -

Rescheduling can only be done once. 

Can I cancel my appointment?

If you have paid for your appointment, there will be no refunds. You have the option to reschedule once if you are not able to make it to your appointment.

If you haven't paid for your appointment at least 2 hours prior to your appointment time, your appointment is automatically cancelled.

Do you offer free tarot reading?

No, we do not offer free tarot card reading sessions.


Mandatory Disclaimer

By accessing this site, you acknowledge that Tarot readings from "Tarot Unleashed" and Ishani Khurana are for entertainment only, inherently subjective, and not a substitute for professional advice. No legal liability is assumed for decisions based on readings. Visitors must be 18 or older to receive a reading.